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Patriarch Timothy I of Constantinople

Timothy I or Timotheus I (died 517) was a Christian priest who was appointed Patriarch of Constantinople by the Byzantine emperor Anastasius I in 511.

Timothy was Christian priest and keeper of the ornaments of the cathedral. Two liturgical innovations are attributed to him, the prayers on Good Friday at the church of the Virgin and the recital of the Nicene Creed at every service, although the last is also ascribed to Peter the Fuller. The British historian F. H. Blackburne Daniel considered him to be a man of bad character, as Timothy allegedly adopted the Non-Chalcedonian doctrines out of ambition rather than conviction.

He sent circular letters to all the bishops, which he requested them to subscribe and assent to the deposition of Macedonius. Some assented to both, others neither, while others subscribed to the letters but refused to assent to the deposition. Certain Non-Chalcedonians, such as John Niciota, Patriarch of Alexandria, whose name he had inserted in the diptychs, at first stood aloof from him, because, though he accepted the Henotikon, he did not reject the Council of Chalcedon, and for the same reason Flavian II of Antioch and Elias of Jerusalem at first communicated with him.

Timothy was appointed Patriarch of Constantinople by the Roman Emperor Anastasius I in 511, the day after Macedonius was deposed as patriarch.

