The Pakistan National Movement was founded in 1932 by Choudhry Rahmat Ali who is also credited with creating the name "Pakistan", for a separate Muslim homeland in South Asia. After publishing the declaration Now or Never, he felt the need of putting up a co-operative effort to publicize and promote his ideas. He started the movement by publishing an eight-page pamphlet, "What does the Pakistan National Movement Stand For?"
In this pamphlet the author stated the fundamentals of the political ideology" of the movement by criticizing "Indianism." He defined "Indianism" as the force which had dominated all the countries of South Asia and defeated the efforts of their peoples to improve their lot. This was a destructive power victimizing men and nations, crippling religions and states, enslaving at least half of the continent of Asia. With the coming of the British it had manifested itself in the establishment of the Indian National Congress. The motive of this Congress was to establish an All India Federation. The congress had designated all British possessions in South Asia as India denied to the non Indian nations the right to their own nationhood, and, by making pretentious claims, stamped Indian nationality on the peoples of this area.
This was the central idea underlying the proposal for an all India federal constitution. The PNM was formed to fight against this federation
The Pakistan Declaration (titled Now or Never; Are We to Live or Perish Forever?) was a pamphlet published on 28 January 1933 by Choudhary Rahmat Ali, in which the word Pakistan was used for the first time and was presented in the round table conference in 1933. The pamphlet started with this famous sentence:
At this solemn hour in the history of India, when British and Indian statesmen are laying the foundations of a Federal Constitution for that land, we address this appeal to you, in the name of our common heritage, on behalf of our thirty million Muslim brethren who live in PAKSTAN - by which we mean the five Northern units of India, Viz: Punjab, North-West Frontier Province (Afghan Province), Kashmir, Sind and Baluchistan.