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The Pachhada are a Muslim ethnic group found in the Pakistani Punjab. They are also known as Rath and Pachhada Rajput.

Their ancestral homeland was the Ghagar River Valley and the semi-desert territory that now forms part of the Hissar and Mahendragarh districts of Haryana, and the Ganganagar district of Rajasthan. They were a nomadic and pastoral community and are closely related to the Rath community of Rajasthan. Most reared the local Rathi cattle breed and would migrate with flocks to the rivers Sutlej and Ravi, and as such were also known as Rathi. In neighbouring Rajasthan, Muslim pastoral nomads of Bikaner and Ganganagar are still known as Rathi. The word Pachhada is a corruption of the Punjabi word paschim da or "westerner", as the Pacchada were said to be immigrants from the Neeli Bar and Sandal Bar regions of what is now Pakistan. However, most of their tribal traditions point to a Rajasthan origin, with almost all Pacchadas bearing the Hinjraon claim to be Rajputs of Rajasthan. This was also seen by the fact that none of the Pacchada spoke Punjabo. Instead, they all spoke dialects of Haryana. The Pachhada were of among a number of Rajput pastoralist groups found the Ghaghar valley and north Rajasthan, and were often closely identified with the Ranghar and Bhatti communities, who have similar customs and traditions.

