Ouriel Zohar (born in 1952), is an Israeli and French theater director, playwright, poet and translator from French to Hebrew. Professor at the department of Humanities & Arts at the Technion University, created the Technion theater in 1986. Has been Full Professor at the University of Paris VIII and HEC Paris since 1995.
Zohar started directing in Paris in 1978. He completed a doctorate on the theme of the collective and universal Kibbutz Theatre, presented it at the University of Paris VIII, where he was Assistant Professor from 1980 to 1985. He has published 150 articles in the field of theater and academic journals in English, French and Hebrew. His university writings are also about Peter Brook, Constantin Stanislavski, Jerzy Grotowski, Augusto Boal, Martin Buber and Aaron David Gordon, who profoundly influenced theater.
Until 2015 he has directed 72 plays in Israel, Europe, Canada, Africa and Asia. He has written and directed on stage some 38 original plays in Hebrew, and also plays by Hanoch Levin, Joshua Sobol, S. Ansky etc. He has directed moderne plays written by Peter Brook, Birago Diop, Farid al-Din Attar, Jean-Claude Carrière, Sławomir Mrożek, Steven Soderbergh, John Hughes (filmmaker) etc. He has directed classic plays by Molière, Shakespeare, Marivaux, Henrik Ibsen and George Bernard Shaw etc.