Otago University NORML (also known as simply Otago NORML or NORML Dunedin) is a pro cannabis law reform student club at the University of Otago, affiliated to the Otago University Students Association. It is not officially related to the national New Zealand cannabis law reform organisation NORML New Zealand or the international organisation NORML, based in the US, however the three organisations do interact at an unofficial level.
Most members are students or recent graduates of the University of Otago in Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand. The club operates out of the OUSA Clubs and Societies Centre and meets thrice weekly on the Otago University Union Lawn (Walnut Tree).
Otago NORML has been active in various forms for many years. The history of Otago NORML is covered in the 2015 feature documentary Druglawed.
Tim Shadbolt speaks on campus in favour of cannabis legalisation. Future professor Sally Caswell investigates the effects of cannabis intoxication on subjects volunteered from among the ranks of Otago NORML.
Radio One begins broadcasting including in the schedule a NORML radio show run by members of the Otago University branch, including future Dunedin Lawyer Noel Rayner.
Otago University Pharmacology Professor Fred Fastier investigates cannabis use and cannabis control in New Zealand
In 2000 OUSA passed a motion at an SGM that the association would officially support cannabis law reform in New Zealand.
In 2003 numerous members of Otago NORML marched to the Dunedin Central Police Station and hot-boxed the main foyer as part of the annual 'J-Day' protest. Around 50 people smoked cannabis inside the police station, resulting in no arrests. Cannabis plants were also planted in the front garden of the station. When asked about their inaction in the Otago Daily Times, Inspector Dave Campbell of the Dunedin Police said they 'had better things to do'.