Oni Wytars is an early music ensemble that was founded in 1983 by Marco Ambrosini and Peter Rabanser.
Appearing in concerts and at festivals throughout Europe, Americas, Middle- and Far East they perform music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance as well as classical and traditional Arab and Turkish music. The focal point of Oni Wytars´ work is to unite the many traditions that have influenced and enriched European musical culture for centuries by building a bridge between ancient and still-thriving musical traditions, between Orient and Occident. ONI WYTARS is balancing on the edge between early and modern traditional music blending elements from both the rich cultural heritage of medieval Europe and from their own diverse backgrounds- the instrumentalists and singers come from Austria, Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, Iran, Spain, UK and the U.S. - Oni Wytars has developed an intriguing performance style.
They perform on instruments from the European Middle Ages and Renaissance, and on contemporary Arabic and Eastern European folk instruments. These include vielle, rebec, pochette, nyckelharpa, vihuela d´arco, hurdy-gurdy, oud, baglama, harp, shawm, cornett, chalumeau, ney, kaval, French and Bulgarian bagpipes, recorders, and Persian and Arabic percussion such as davul, zarb, bendir, darabukka and riqq.