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Omroep NTR

Type Public broadcaster
Country Netherlands
Founded 1 September 2010
Official website

NTR is a Dutch public-service broadcaster, supplying television and radio programming of an informational, educational, and cultural nature to the national public broadcasting system, Nederlandse Publieke Omroep (NPO). NTR was created in 2010, following the merger of the Nederlandse Programma Stichting (NPS) and two educational broadcasters, Televisie Academie (Teleac) and the Radio Volksuniversiteit (RVU). For details of these predecessor organizations, see further below.

Public broadcasting organizations in the Netherlands (that is to say, in the Dutch context, listener and viewer associations) do not have their own stations but are allotted airtime on the three public television and eight public radio networks broadly in relation to the size of their respective memberships. NTR, however, as an independently established statutory body, is not a membership-based organization.

RVU, the Radio Volksuniversiteit (People's University Radio), was the longest-lived educational broadcasting organization in the Netherlands. Established in 1930 by the Bond van Nederlandse Volksuniversiteiten (Federation of Dutch People's Universities), it was at first granted airtime by the AVRO and VARA broadcasting associations. A licence to operate independently was obtained on 14 June 1931 and RVU became a public broadcaster in its own right in 1932.

In 1983 RVU made its first appearance on television, broadcasting a small number of programmes on the Nederland 2 public channel, moving to Nederland 3 in 1988.

Its mission was to present informative and educational programmes that would encourage listebers' and viewers' active participation in society.

An initiative to air educational programming on public television led to the creation of the Television Academy (Teleac) in 1963.

Meanwhile Nederlandse Onderwijs Televisie (NOT) (Netherlands Educational Television) began operations on the 27 June 1962, evolving from the Netherlands Education Film board in The Hague. Its purpose was to supply primary and secondary teachers with educational programming for use in classes. The programmes were made in co-operation with Teleac, RVU and the NOS but had no broadcasting licence of its own. That changed in 1988, when the new Media Act established NOT as an independent broadcaster. School programmes made by the NOS were thus transferred to the new organization, as were their employees, which moved from The Hague to Hilversum.

