Olympia Film Society (OFS) is a nonprofit arts organization in Olympia, Washington that shows independent, international and classic film year-round, offers special live performances, and produces the Olympia Film Festival. OFS welcomes its members and non-member patrons to the Capitol Theater.
Marked by steady growth in members, volunteers, and regular film screenings, OFS grew from a handful of film lovers chipping in to rent films once a month to an organization with over 2000 members.
Film is a vital part of our culture – sometimes window, sometimes mirror; sometimes clear, simple and stark; sometimes subtle, complex and mysterious.
As a medium of art and entertainment, film has roots in both the past and Present, and the insights of contemporary audience. We are cinephiles from the South Puget Sound area, interested in expanding our engagement with film and in developing our insights into filmmaking and filmmakers. We have therefore joined together, forming the Olympia Film Society, to extend and share our understanding and enjoyment of the cinematic arts. Our mission is to enhance film appreciation within the community by promoting alternative films and by aiding and encouraging the development of allied arts.