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Ochotnicza Rezerwa Milicji Obywatelskiej
(Volunteer Reserve Militia)
ORMO (Warsaw, 1946).jpg
ORMO voluntary police unit during street parade at the Victory Square, June 9, 1946, Warsaw
Active 1946 – 1989
Country Poland
Allegiance Ministry of Public Security
Type Paramilitary police reserve
Role Political coercion
Size Max. 450,000 members
Nickname(s) ORMO

ORMO (Polish: Ochotnicza Rezerwa Milicji Obywatelskiej), or the Volunteer Reserve Militia, was a paramilitary organization and voluntary support brigade of MO communist police force (Milicja Obywatelska). ORMO was founded in the People's Republic of Poland soon after the Soviet takeover in 1946, and disbanded in 1989 by the Sejm (after the Collapse of the communist bloc).

In its heyday, ORMO had approximately 400,000–450,000 people in its reserves (at one time numbered as many as 600,000 civilian volunteers), recruited mostly from among the members of the communist Polish United Workers' Party (PZPR), peasants, convicted criminals, and also a large share of members of United People's Party (ZSL), Democratic Party (SD) and other non-party opportunists looking for extra income from the state, and ready for street action. ORMO was often involved in staging and performing criminal acts, unlawful arrests and street beatings of peaceful protesters (including women and journalists), such as during the public demonstrations organized by Solidarność (Solidarity trade union) aimed at putting an end to the Soviet-imposed totalitarianism in Poland.

The Ochotnicza Rezerwa Milicji Obywatelskiej, ORMO, was created on February 21, 1946, by the State National Council under the auspices of the Communist Polish Workers' Party (PPR). It was placed under the control of the Ministry of Public Security led by the tovarishch Jakub Berman of the Politburo – Joseph Stalin's right hand in Poland. The main, initial purpose of ORMO was to provide urgently needed reinforcements to the regular Army, Internal Security Corps and MO special forces, during operations against the Polish anti-communist insurgency. The new units were considerably small, made up of 30–300 men armed with rifles and submachine guns.

