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Nykyta Budka

Nykyta Budka
Никита Будка (1877 - 1949).jpg
Born June 7, 1877, Dobromirka, Austria-Hungary
Died September 28, 1949, Karaganda, USSR
Martyred by USSR
Means of martyrdom Gulag
Venerated in Catholic Church
Beatified June 27, 2001, Ukraine, by Pope John Paul II

Blessed Nykyta Budka (Ukrainian: Никита Будка aka Nikita, Mykyta, or Nicetas Budka, June 7, 1877, Dobromirka, Austria-Hungary – October 1, 1949, Karaganda, USSR) was a clergyman of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church who lived and worked in Austria-Hungary, Canada, Poland, and the Soviet Union. In Canada, he is noted as the first bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Canada, and was the first Eastern Catholic bishop with full jurisdiction ever appointed in the New World.

He was born into a fairly well to-do and political active peasant family in the village of Dobromirka in Zbarazh powait (county), then part of Galicia, in Austria-Hungary in 1877. He received his primary education in his native village and the county town, and later studied at the classical gymnasium in Temopil, where he graduated in 1897 with honours. He then worked as a tutor for the children of Prince Leo Sapieha in Bilche Zolote, and then did a year of military service, taking officer's training in Vienna. He studied law at the University of Lviv and theology at Lviv Theological Seminary. In 1902 he entered the Collegium Canisianum in Innsbruck, Austria. Budka was ordained as a priest by Metropolitan Andriy (Sheptytsky) in L'viv, the capital of Austrian Galicia, on October 25, 1905 at the age of twenty-eight.

