Norbert Klatt (born Dec. 24, 1949; died Oct. 1, 2015) was a German scholar of Buddhism and Christianity and publisher; founder of Norbert Klatt Verlag, Göttingen.
Klatt proposed Buddhist influence on some New Testament narratives (1982), particularly the conversion of Kassapa (Mahavagga 1.20.16) on Jesus walking on the water (Mark 6). From 1986 Klatt made investigations into the Life of Issa forgery of Nicolas Notovitch expanding his researches to include Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's claims of Jesus in India in 1988. Klatt concluded that the origin of Notovitch's story was "to be sought in Paris rather than India, Tibet or Ladakh," but left open the possibility that Notovitch had genuinely found Tibetan texts relating to Jesus misidentifying Bible portions that Heinrich August Jäschke had translated into Tibetan 1857–1868, decades before Notovitch's visit to Tibet.