Nookawarra Station is a pastoral lease and sheep station located in the Mid West region of Western Australia. The station occupies an area of approximately 604,000 acres (244,430 ha).
Situated approximately 350 kilometres (217 mi) to the north-east of Geraldton a good length of the Murchison River is found within the station boundary. The property adjoins Boolardy, Milly Milly and Mileura Stations.
The station was taken up as early as 1875 by Sir Edward Charles Horne Wittenoom and his brother Frederick Francis Burdett Wittenoom, Edward moved on after about five years but Frank stayed on and sold the property in 1926.
The Murchison amateur racing club was established at Nookawarra by Frank Wittenoom in 1881. Races were held at the property for the next 16 years with Wittenoom winning many races.
In 1886, the 500,000 acres (202,343 ha) property held 10,000 sheep under the management of Mr. J. Judge as well as 250 cattle and 170 horses. It was observed at this time that the land was in good condition and was open grass plain lightly wooded with gum trees, acacia and mulga. The property was watered with clay holes and shallow wells.
The Governor of Western Australia, Frederick Broome, visited the station as part of his tour of the Mid-West in 1887.
The Murchison pastoral show was held at the station showgrounds in 1894.
Charles Pretlove, who died in 1898, managed the station during the mid-1890s.
John Hearn managed the station in the late 1890s for Wittenoom, he later went to purchase Gabyon Station.