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A general election was held in Nicaragua to elect a president and parliament on October 20, 1996.
Alcántara Sáez, Manuel. Sistemas políticos de América Latina. Madrid: Tecnos. Two volumes. Volume two is “México, América Central y el Caribe.” Largely rewritten and updated second edition. 1999.
Anderson, Leslie and Lawrence C. Dodd. “ Nicaragua votes: the elections of 2001.” Journal of democracy 13, 3:80-93 (July 2002).
Blandón, María Teresa. “The Coalición Nacional de Mujeres: an alliance of left-wing women, right-wing women, and radical feminists in Nicaragua.” Radical women in Latin America: left and right. 2001. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University.
Booth, John A. and Patricia Bayer Richard. “The Nicaraguan elections of October 1996.” Electoral studies 16, 3:386-393 (September 1997).
Booth, John A. “Electoral observation and democratic transition in Nicaragua.” Electoral observation and democratic transitions in Latin America. 1998. La Jolla: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego.
Booth, John A. and Thomas W. Walker. Understanding Central America. Boulder: Westview Press. Third edition. 1999.
Butler, Judy, David R. Dye, Jack Spence, and George Vickers. La democracia y sus descontentos: los nicaragüenses en la hora de las elecciones. Cambridge: Hemisphere Initiatives, Washington Office on Latin America. Also published in English as Democracy and its discontents: Nicaraguans face the election. 1996.
Chamorro, Carlos F. “Polarización política y elecciones en Nicaragua.” Elecciones y democracia en América Latina 1992-1996: urnas y desencanto político. 1998. San José: Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos. 1998.
Close, David. Nicaragua : the Chamorro years. Boulder: Lynne Reinner. 1999.
Elections in the Americas A Data Handbook Volume 1. North America, Central America, and the Caribbean. Edited by Dieter Nohlen. 2005.
Fiallos Oyanguren, Mariano. “Nicaragua: sistema de elección de los diputados ante la Asamblea Nacional.” Sistemas de elecciones parliamentarias y su relación con la gobernabilidad democrática. 2000. San José: Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos.
Fisk, Daniel W. The 1998 Nicaraguan Atlantic Coast elections: post-election report. Washington, D.C.: CSIS Americas Program. 1998.
González, Victoria. “Mujeres somocistas: ‘La Pechuga’ y el corazón de la dictadura nicaragüense (1936–1979).” Entre silencios y voces: género e historia en América Central, 1750-1990. 1997. San José: Centro Nacional para el Desarrollo de la Mujer y la Familia.