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Neozapatismo or Neozapatism (sometimes mislabeled as Zapatismo) is the Mexican ideology behind movements such as the Zapatista Army of National Liberation. The official anthem of Neozapatismo and the Zapatista territories is the Himno Zapatista. The ideology is based on Anarchism, Mayan tradition, Marxism, the thoughts of Emiliano Zapata and the thoughts of Subcomandante Marcos. Neozapatismo is the ideology of the Zapatistas who govern a small territory in the Chiapas since the Chiapas conflict. Neozapatismo has no official founder but its thoughts are mainly attributed to Subcommandante Marcos and Emiliano Zapata. The Neozapatista ideology is believed to be derived from in total Libertarian Marxism, Libertarian socialism, Autonomism, Anarcho-syndicalism, Social anarchism, Collectivist anarchism, Anarchist communism, direct democracy, and Radical democracy.

Emiliano Zapata, the man of which Neozapatismo is named after, was a strong Agrarianist in Mexico. He personally led rebels against the Mexican government in order to redistribute plantation land to the farm workers. Zapata began to protest the seizure of land by wealthy plantation owners, but his protest did not achieve his goal, so he turned to violence. This cause of redistribution was Zapata's true life's goal, he often symbolizes the Agrarianist cause in Mexico today. The Zapatista Army of National Liberation have made similar Agrarianist demands such as land reform mandated by the 1917 Constitution of Mexico but largely ignored by the governing Institutional Revolutionary Party. When negotiating with the government the EZLN did not demand independence from Mexico, but rather autonomy, and (among other things) that the natural resources extracted from Chiapas benefit more directly the people of Chiapas.

