The eHealth Exchange, formerly known as the Nationwide Health Information Network often abbreviated as the NHIN or NwHIN, is an initiative for the exchange of healthcare information. It was developed under the auspices of the U.S. Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), and now managed by a non-profit industry coalition called Sequoia Project (formerly HealtheWay). The exchange is a web-services based series of specifications designed to securely exchange healthcare related data. The NwHIN is related to the Direct Project which uses a secure email-based approach. One of the latest goals is to increase the amount of onboarding information about the NwHIN to prospective vendors of health care systems.
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology has been facilitating development of the NwHIN, which will tie together health information exchanges, integrated delivery networks, pharmacies, government, labs, providers, payors and other stakeholders into a "network of networks."
A health care system participating in the NwHIN acquires an Object identifier (OID). The OID, issued by the ONC, allows the individual health care system or vendor to receive and send messages to trusted entities within the NwHIN through an interface such as Mirth Connect or a custom-built Java UI. The NwHIN is built on open source code utilizing the Java platform. This creates a need for technical information sharing among programmers with the ONC also making information available.
According to former Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt the NwHIN would be a public-private venture, and as of 2009[update] the Markle Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and California HealthCare Foundation were funding research and demonstration projects.