The National Socialist Movement (NSM) was a British neo-Nazi group active during the late 1990s. The group is not connected to the earlier National Socialist Movement of Colin Jordan.
The roots of the NSM lay in a split that developed in Combat 18 in the mid to late 1990s. In early 1997 it was claimed on ITV's World in Action that the original leader of Combat 18 Charlie Sargent, who at the time was on remand for the murder of fellow C18 member Chris Castle, had acted as a paid informant for the police, although no evidence for this allegation was provided. Whilst Sargent was disowned by some of the rank and file membership of C18, his brother Steve, also a C18 member, supported Sargent and together with David Myatt led away fifty or so like-minded members to form a separate group, the National Socialist Movement, in June 1997.
David Myatt was the first leader of the NSM until his resignation in March 1998 following his arrest by detectives from Scotland Yard on charges relating to incitement to racial hatred and incitement to murder when Tony Williams, a former member of the International Third Position, assumed the position of leader. Williams, who had also been involved with the National Front since the 1970s, had been the person chosen to escort the ashes of Savitri Devi to Arlington, Virginia where they were given to the American Nazi Party. As leader, the duties of Williams included overseeing membership inquiries and levying the £10 annual fee from registered supporters.
Mike Whine of the Board of Deputies of British Jews described the NSM as a "very small but very violent neo-Nazi group. Their whole programme is one of terrorism ... against Jews, against Blacks and against Asians." Myatt, who was the architect of the NSM, denied that NSM supported racial hatred but admitted that they intended to accomplish their aim of "an entirely new society, based upon personal honour" through revolutionary activity. The group's own mission statement claimed that the NSM was "formed in June 108 yf ["Year of the Führer" - a system of measuring the years from Adolf Hitler's birth also employed by the National Alliance and similar groups] for the purpose of championing the cause of Aryan identity and Aryan freedom" whilst also committing the group to the establishment of a "National Socialist State", and although the NSM claimed to be a political party, much of its literature advocated violent revolution.