Nandgaon(नंदगाव) is a village panchayat located in the Jalgaon district of Maharashtra state, India. The latitude 21.1280968 and longitude 75.4272768 are the geo-coordinates of the Nandgaon. Nandgaon is about 28 km from Jalgaon railway station, and has a population of approximately 2000. It is bounded by Kinod to the north, and by the Fesardi and Pilkheda to the east, Kavthal to the southeast, Chorgaon to the south. Girna and Tapi are the main rivers flowing near the Nandgaon. Nandgaon is surrounded by Girna river on three sides.
Agriculture- Agriculture is main occupation of peoples of Nandgaon. Nandgaon is popular for its banana plantation. Jalgaon district is a largest banana producers in the world and nandgaon plays vital role in this production. Other agricultural crops widely planted in Nandgaon are cotton and pulses.
Religious Festivals- Nandgaon is also known for its yearly “Harinam Saptah”(One week Hymn). Other festivals like Dipawali, Holi, Pola are celebrated with a lot of pomp and joy. The wide variety of festivals celebrated in Nandgaon is a true manifestation of its rich culture and traditions.
Languages- Ahirani and Marathi are the primary languages in Nandgaon.