The NZ Cycling Conference is a series of cycle planning conferences started in 1997 in Hamilton. Since 2001, the conference series has a biennial schedule. The conferences are one of the key ways of exchanging expertise about planning and design for cycling in New Zealand. Starting in 2012, the scope of the conference includes both walking and cycling, by combining the previous Living Streets Aotearoa biennial NZ Walking Conference series, and was rebranded "2WALKandCYCLE". The most recent conference was held in Auckland in July 2016.
Initially, conference attendees and speakers were mainly cycle advocates, but the conferences have developed a broader appeal across all sectors that are involved in policy, promotion and provision for cyclists – such as from representatives from the NZ Transport Agency or local authorities.
The conferences are organised by an organising committee made up of representatives of various organisations. In 2009, for example, these included Cycling Advocates' Network, NZ Transport Agency, Ministry of Health and New Plymouth District Council.
When plans were made for what would have been the 2011 conference, it was considered whether it would be useful to have a combined event covering both walking and cycling. This was agreed to by Living Streets Aotearoa, the organiser of the NZ Walking Conference. The first combined walking and cycling conference, branded as 2WALKandCYCLE, was held from 22 to 24 February 2012 in Hastings. The conference was organised by representatives of Cycling Advocates' Network, Hastings District Council staff, Living Streets Aotearoa, New Zealand Transport Agency, and some individuals.
Conferences have been or will be held in the following locations:
The 1st conference was held on 15 October 1997. The conference theme was "Planning for and Promoting Cycling in Urban Areas". Held at the University of Waikato, the conference was the initiative of transport planner Paul Ryan.