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The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is the Republican Hill committee which works to elect Republicans to the United States House of Representatives.

The NRCC was formed in 1866, when the Republican caucuses of the House and Senate formed a "Congressional Committee". It supports the election of Republicans to the House through direct financial contributions to candidates and Republican Party organizations; technical and research assistance to Republican candidates and Party organizations; voter registration, education and turnout programs; and other Party-building activities. It is a registered 527 group.

The NRCC is always chaired by a Republican member of the House, who may serve up to two consecutive terms. The current chair is Rep. Steve Stivers of Ohio. Former chairmen include Rep. Guy Vander Jagt (1975–1992), Rep. Bill Paxon (1993–1996), Rep. John Linder (1997–1998), Rep. Tom Davis (1999–2002), Rep. Tom Reynolds (2003–2006), Rep. Tom Cole (2007–2008), and Rep. Pete Sessions (2009-2012). It is governed by an Executive Committee of 11 members, which includes the party's Leader in the House ex officio, and other members elected by the Republican Conference following a House election.

The NRCC is governed by its chairman, U.S. Rep. Steve Stivers (OH-15), and an executive committee composed of Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives.

The Chairman is elected by the House Republican Conference after each Congressional election. Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy and the seven other elected leaders of the Republican Conference of the House of Representatives serve as ex officio members of the NRCC's executive committee.

