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NATO Satellite Ground Terminal Folly Lake

The NATO Satellite Ground Terminal Folly Lake, also known as SGT Folly Lake, is a now-decommissioned Canadian military satellite communications facility located in Wentworth, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia. At one time it was one of 24 satellite communication facilities for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) that were located in NATO countries.

SGT Folly Lake was one of two such facilities in Canada and was located on the west slope of an unnamed hill along the eastern side of the concave-shaped Wentworth Valley, opposite Higgins Mountain. The second facility was located in Carp, Ontario. SGT Folly Lake's location was approximately 500 m (1,600 ft) north of the county line and is closest to the community of Folly Lake in Colchester County and approximately 3.2 km (2.0 mi) north from the northern edge of the lake of the same name. SGT Folly Lake was built in 1982 and decommissioned in December 2006. It was owned by the Department of National Defence and operated by Canadian Forces personnel as a lodger unit of CFB Halifax.

The site contained five buildings:

Constructed in 1982 by the Department of National Defence as part of Canada's NATO obligations, SGT Folly Lake, along with a similar facility at Kester, Belgium, was an AN/FSQ173 control terminal for control of NATO Tactical Satellites (TACSAT). It had supplies in the form of 30 days of food, as well as diesel fuel that would run two Caterpillar D-8 generators. Although not hardened to withstand a near or direct nuclear attack, the facility's electronics were shielded to withstand the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and associated nuclear fallout created by the atmospheric detonation of a nuclear weapon. The Operations Building was constructed with a radio frequency shield around it that would stop the EMP from destroying the equipment; the AN/FSQ173 control equipment was placed in a hardened shell that would protect the crew from the nuclear fallout.

