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Mustafa Ülgen

Mustafa Ülgen (born 1945 in İnegöl, Bursa Province) is a Turkish orthodontist.

Ülgen completed primary and middle school in İnegöl. After his graduation from Bursa Boys High School, he graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry in 1967. After two years of military service as a reserve officer, with a scholarship awarded from the Ministry of Education of Turkey, he studied orthodontics at the University of Zurich, Switzerland under Rudolf Hotz and Paul Walter Stöckli, where he got his PhD degree. After his five years education in Zurich followed by ten years of obligatory service, he worked for eight years at Ankara University and for two years in the University of Tigris (Dicle) Diyarbakır.

Ülgen became associate professor in 1979 and full professor in 1985. He was a dean for two years in the University of Tigris (Dicle) Diyarbakır. In 1983, he wrote his first text book, Principles of Orthodontic Treatment, about orthodontic therapy which is still read as the academic study book at Dentistry Faculties all over Turkey for more than 25 years continuously. In 1985 and 1986 with a scholarship provided from "Alexander von Humboldt Foundation", he made two researches in the University of Bonn which were later published in a German orthodontic journal. Then he also worked for six years at Istanbul University and for two years at Yeditepe University. In 2000, he wrote his second text book on orthodontic diagnosis, Orthodontics (Anomalies, Cephalometrics, Etiology, Growth and Development, Diagnosis). In 2002 he got retired with his own will. In 2006, he published his memoirs, Mustafa son of Mustafa.

Ülgen has published two text books (that are also e-books available free of charge online – please also find the links below on the e-books section), sixty-eight articles, fourteen which are printed in foreign journals. He hold thirty papers in different congresses. He gave thirty-nine conferences, including fourteen in foreign countries. He is married since 1968, has a daughter, a son and two grandchildren.

