A binary multiplier is an electronic circuit used in digital electronics, such as a computer, to multiply two binary numbers. It is built using binary adders.
A variety of computer arithmetic techniques can be used to implement a digital multiplier. Most techniques involve computing a set of partial products, and then summing the partial products together. This process is similar to the method taught to primary schoolchildren for conducting long multiplication on base-10 integers, but has been modified here for application to a base-2 (binary) numeral system.
Until the late 1970s, most minicomputers did not have a multiply instruction, and so programmers used a "multiply routine" which repeatedly shifts and accumulates partial results, often written using loop unwinding. Mainframe computers had multiply instructions, but they did the same sorts of shifts and adds as a "multiply routine".
Early microprocessors also had no multiply instruction. Though the multiply instruction is usually associated with the 16-bit microprocessor generation, at least two "enhanced" 8-bit micro have a multiply instruction: the Motorola 6809, introduced in 1978, and MSC-51 family from INTEL, developed in 1980. And more later the modern Atmel AVR 8-bit microprocessors present in the ATMega, ATTiny and ATXMega microcontrollers.
As more transistors per chip became available due to larger-scale integration, it became possible to put enough adders on a single chip to sum all the partial products at once, rather than reuse a single adder to handle each partial product one at a time.