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Moriz Lieber

Moritz Joseph Josias Lieber (b. at the castle of Blankenheim in the Eifel, 1 Oct., 1790, d. Bad Camberg, in Hesse-Nassau, 29 Dec., 1860) was a German Catholic politician and publisher. He was a translator of many of conservative and Catholic authors into German, including Joseph de Maistre and Thomas Moore. He was the first president of the "Katholische Verein Deutschlands", which would become the forerunner of the Catholic association, particularly the Centre Party.

His earliest literary activity was the translation of prominent Catholic works from foreign tongues, seeking thus to combat the spirit of the Enlightenment and Rationalism which had been rampant in Germany since the days of Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor. He first published under the title Die Werke des Grafen Joseph von Maistre (5 vols., Frankfurt-am-Main, 1822–24), the three principal works of de Maistre: Du pape, De l'Eglise gallicane dans son rapport avec le souverain pontife, and Les soirées de Saint-Pétersbourg. He also translated John Milner's The End of Religious Controversy under the title Ziel und Ende religiöser Kontroversen (Frankfurt 1828; new ed., Paderborn, 1849), and Thomas Moore's Travels of an Irish Gentleman in Search of a Religion: Reisen eines Irländers um die wahre Religion zu suchen (Aschaffenburg, 1834; 6th ed, 1852).

In answer to the pamphlet Bruchstück eines Gespräches über die Priesterehe (Hadamar, 1831), in which an anonymous "friend of the clergy and of women" attacked the celibacy of the Catholic priesthood, Lieber wrote Vom Cölibat (Frankfurt, 1831). As a member of the Lower Chamber of Nassau, he published Blick auf die jüngste Session der Landesdeputierten zur Ständeversammlung des Herzogthums Nassau (Frankfurt, 1832). Lieber's name became known, however, throughout Germany by his championship of the Archbishop of Cologne, Clemens August von Droste-Vischering, who had been imprisoned by the Prussian Government. In his defence he issued under the pseudonym of "A Practical Jurist" the polemic, Die Gefangennehmung des Erzbischofs von Köln und ihre Motive (3 parts, Frankfurt, 1837–38).

