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Mohammed Fenaitel Mohamed Al Daihani

Mohammed Fenaitel Mohamed Al Daihani
Mohammed Fenaitel Mohamed Al Daihani.png
Born (1965-11-04) November 4, 1965 (age 51)
- Kuwait City, Kuwait
Detained at Guantanamo Bay camp
Alternate name Mohammed Funaitel al Dihani
Mohammed Fenaitel Mohamed al Daihani
ISN 229
Charge(s) No charge
Status Repatriated

Mohammed Fenaitel Mohamed Al Daihani is a citizen of Kuwait who was held in extrajudicial detention in the United States Guantanamo Bay detention camp, in Cuba. Al Daihani's Guantanamo Internment Serial Number was 229. Joint Task Force Guantanamo counter-terrorism analysts reports that Al Daihani was born on November 4, 1965, in Kuwait City, Kuwait. Al Dehani was repatriated without charges on November 2, 2005.

A Summary of Evidence memo was prepared for his tribunal. The memo listed the following:

On March 3, 2006, in order to comply with a court order, the Department of Defense published a twelve-page summarized transcript from his Tribunal.

Detainees whose Combatant Status Review Tribunal labeled them "enemy combatants" were scheduled for annual Administrative Review Board hearings. These hearings were designed to assess the threat a detainee might pose if released or transferred, and whether there were other factors that warranted his continued detention.

A Summary of Evidence memo was prepared for Mohammed Fenaitel Mohamed Al Daihani's Administrative Review Board, on 22 April 2005. The memo listed factors for and against his continued detention.

The following primary factors favor continued detention

The following primary factors favor release or transfer

On March 3, 2006, in compliance with a court order, the Department of Defense published a two-page summarized transcript of his hearing.

Canadian journalist, and former special assistant to US President George W. Bush, David Frum, published an article based on his own reading of the transcripts from the Combatant Status Review Tribunals, on November 11, 2006. It was Frum who coined the term "Axis of evil" for use in a speech he wrote for Bush. Al Daihani's transcript was one of the nine Frum briefly summarized. His comment on Al Daihani was:

