The aviation transponder interrogation modes are the standard formats of pulsed sequences from an interrogating Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) or similar Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) system. The reply format is usually referred to as a "code" from a transponder, which is used to determine detailed information from a suitably equipped aircraft.
In its simplest form, a "Mode" or interrogation type, is generally determined by pulse spacing between two or more interrogation pulses. Various modes exist from Mode 1 to 5 for military use, to Mode A, B, C and D and Mode S for civilian use.
Several different RF have been standardized for aviation transponders:
When the transponder receives an interrogation request it broadcasts the configured transponder code (or "squawk code"). This is referred to as "Mode 3A" or more commonly, Mode A. A separate type of response called "Ident" can be initiated from the airplane by pressing a button on the transponder control panel.
A Mode A transponder code response can be augmented by a pressure altitude response, which is then referred to as Mode C operation. Pressure altitude is obtained from an altitude encoder, either a separate self-contained unit mounted in the aircraft or an integral part of the transponder. The altitude information is passed to the transponder using a modified form of the Gray code called a Gillham Code.
Mode A and C responses are used to help air traffic controllers identify a particular aircraft's position and altitude on a radar screen, in order to maintain separation.
Another mode called Mode S (Select) is designed to help avoiding overinterrogation of the transponder (having many radars in busy areas) and to allow automatic collision avoidance. Mode S transponders are compatible with Mode A and Mode C Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) systems. This is the type of transponder that makes the ACAS II (Airborne Collision Avoidance System) and the ADS-B systems function. The format of the messages is documented in ICAO Doc 9688, Manual on Mode S Specific Services.