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Mitsuku is a Chatterbot created from AIML technology by Steve Worswick. Mitsuku won the 2013 and 2016 Loebner prize. Mitsuku is available as a flash game on Mousebreaker Games as well as on Skype and on Kik Messenger under the username "Pandorabots."

Mitsuku claims to be an 18-year-old female chatbot from Leeds. It contains all of Alice's AIML files, with many additions from user generated conversations, and is always work in progress. Worswick claims she has been worked on since 2005.

Her intelligence includes the ability to reason with specific objects. For example, if someone says "Can you eat a house?", Mitsuku looks up the properties for "house". Finds the value of "made_from" is set to "brick" and replies no, as a house is not edible.

She can play games and do magic tricks at the user's request.

Mitsuku has conversed with millions of people worldwide via the web and other applications, and is a two-time Loebner Prize winner in 2013 and 2016 as well as the 2015 runner-up. In September 2015, Pandorabots deployed Mitsuku onto Kik Messenger (under the username “Pandorabots”), and she converses, on average, in excess of a quarter million times daily.

In a Wall Street Journal article titled “Advertising’s New Frontier: Talk to the Bot,” technology reporter Christopher Mims made the case for “chatvertising” in a piece about Mitsuku and Kik Messenger:

If it seems improbable that so many teens—80% of Kik's users are under 22—would want to talk to a robot, consider what the creator of an award-winning, Web-accessible chat bot named Mitsuku told an interviewer in 2013. "What keeps me going is when I get emails or comments in the chat-logs from people telling me how Mitsuku has helped them with a situation whether it was dating advice, being bullied at school, coping with illness or even advice about job interviews. I also get many elderly people who talk to her for companionship." Any advertiser who doesn't sit bolt upright after reading that doesn't understand the dark art of manipulation on which their craft depends.

