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Miqat' (Arabic: ميقات‎‎ means "a stated place"). Miqats are the points at which pilgrims on the Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca which is required of all able Muslims, put on ihrām, the pilgrim's garment made up of white cloth. Five of the six Miqat stations were appointed by the Islamic prophet [Muhammad(SM)]. The sixth Miqat was appointed at a later date for the convenience of travelers from India and countries to the east. The stations are as follows:

This miqat is about 85 kilometers northeast of Makkah. This Miqat serves pilgrims coming from the direction of Iraq, Iran and other places en route. The Miqat is situated in a very rural location, 58 km from the Highway 40, the main Taif - Riyadh road.

A map of the Miqats and their exact locations:

If one intends to travel to Makkah for either the pilgrimage of the Hajj or Umrah one should wear one's Irham at these Miqat stations. The state of Irham goes beyond one's clothing and it is considered most important to enter a spiritual state of mind

When flying to Makkah it is necessary to wear your Irham before your plane enters the Miqat zone in the air. This map shows the Miqat zone from the air. Jeddah is within the Miqat zone as a line from the southern most Miqat at Yalamlam to the north western Miqat at Juhfah includes Jeddah in the zone. Pilgrims either wear their Irham from the airport at departure or wear it in the Plane. Pilots often announce entering the Miqat about 30 minutes prior so that pilgrims can go to the restroom and change.

Hughes, Thomas Patrick (1994). Dictionary of Islam. Chicago, IL: Kazi Publications Inc. USA. ISBN . 

