The Minor Party Alliance (MPA) is a collaborative undertaking of small Australian political parties, created by Glenn Druery's "Independent Liaison" business, which assists in organising preference meetings and negotiating preference flows between minor parties (often referred to as micro-parties) in Australia. The aim of the Alliance is the election of Alliance candidates to Australian upper houses based upon the accumulation of their primary votes and the registered "above-the-line" party preferences to reach an electoral quota. For the Australian Senate, the quota for a half-Senate election in each State is normally 14.3%. The MPA effectively aims to "game the electoral system", an act it believes to be justified, based upon their perception that the Australian electoral system is unfair and heavily biased against minor parties.
Known as the preference whisperer of Australian politics, Druery's Minor Party Alliance was behind the 2013 federal election preference deal successes which resulted in Wayne Dropulich of the Sports Party being elected in Western Australia on a primary vote of 0.2%, Ricky Muir of the Motoring Enthusiasts Party being elected in Victoria on a primary vote of 0.5% and Bob Day of the Family First Party being elected on a primary vote of 3.8% in South Australia. However, the Western Australian result was later declared void (for unrelated reasons), necessitating a further election at which the Sports Party candidate was unsuccessful. The fifth Senators in the other States were Dio Wang in Western Australia, Glenn Lazarus in Queensland and Jacqui Lambie in Tasmania, all from the Palmer United Party, and David Leyonhjelm of the Liberal Democratic Party elected with a primary vote of 9.5% in New South Wales.