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The Grump (Finnish: Mielensäpahoittaja ‘a person who always gets upset’) is a fictional character created by the Finnish author Tuomas Kyrö for a causerie series.

The Grump is a man who writes letters-to-the-editor for various newspapers, full of complaints about all things imaginable. He basically has the attitude that “everyone is entitled to my opinion.” Mielensäpahoittaja is a cranky old man of roughly 80 years of age, and he is from Häme, as his dialect is a variant of the Tavastian dialects. He lives in the countryside, termed Sysi-Suomi, which is ironic portmaneau of various hyphenated Finlands (e.g. Sisä-Suomi ‘Inner Finland’) and sysimusta ‘pitch-black’; cf. "". Originally his complaints were heard on the Finnish radio, interpreted by actor Antti Litja. Later his writings have been published in Finnish in three books and also in Helsingin Sanomat from the Christmas of 2010 until the summer of 2012. The letters read by Antti Litja are available on CDs.

His home is somewhere to the west of Lake Päijänne, more or less equidistant from the nearest cities and towns, which appear to be Lahti, Tampere ja Jyväskylä, at 300 kilometers from Helsinki, although that would place him slightly to the north of Jyväskylä and into the area of the Savo dialects, which is clearly not where he lives. In his dialect, /d/ (which in standard Finnish, both written and spoken, is the weak grade of /t/) is replaced by /r/, such as in the word “rikdaattori”, in which, however, one can also notice a hypercorrect /d/.

