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Meth mouth

Meth mouth is severe tooth decay and tooth loss, as well as tooth fracture, acid erosion, and other oral problems, potentially symptomatic of extended use of the drug methamphetamine. The condition is thought to be caused by a combination of side effects of the drug (clenching and grinding of teeth, dry mouth) and lifestyle factors (infrequent oral hygiene, frequent consumption of sugary drinks), which may be present in long term users. However, the legitimacy of meth mouth as a unique condition has been questioned because of the similar effects of some other drugs on teeth. Images of diseased mouths are often used in anti-drug campaigns.

The condition is difficult to treat, and may involve fillings, fluoride to fight tooth decay and drugs that increase saliva for dry mouth, as well as oral hygiene instruction. It can be medically dangerous for active methamphetamine users because of the cardiac problems that can result from the interaction of local anesthetic with the drug.

Methamphetamine (meth), a highly addictive drug that produces a dramatic increase in energy and euphoria, can have negative health effects that include serious dental problems. As of 2012, it is the most discussed illegal drug in dental literature. The most notable effect of long-term use of methamphetamine on dental health is the development of caries (tooth decay); the teeth of some drug users appear to be dark and in the process of disintegrating. Caries often occur in the cervical regions of teeth, where the tooth surface narrows at the junction of the crown and the root. It is usually found on the buccal (cheek) side of the teeth and on tooth surfaces that are adjacent to incisors and canines; eventually, the coronal tooth area, near the crown, can be affected by the decay and erosion. The dental caries of meth mouth often progress slowly, perhaps because their advancement is hindered by intermittent hygienic practices. The decay can lead to tooth fractures and severe pain. In some cases, teeth are permanently damaged and must be removed. Along with malnutrition and weight loss, the dental effects of methamphetamine use contribute to the appearance of premature aging seen in some users. The effects of meth mouth are similar to those of Sjögren's syndrome, an autoimmune disease that causes a lack of saliva, which results in tooth decay.

