Mentha aquatica
Mentha aquatica |
Plant in flower |
Scientific classification |
Kingdom: |
Plantae |
(unranked): |
Angiosperms |
(unranked): |
Eudicots |
(unranked): |
Asterids |
Order: |
Lamiales |
Family: |
Lamiaceae |
Genus: |
Mentha |
Species: |
M. aquatica |
Binomial name |
Mentha aquatica L.
Synonyms |
Marrubium aquaticum (L.) Uspensky
Mentha acuta Opiz
Mentha acutata Opiz
Mentha affinis Boreau nom. illeg.
Mentha aromatica Opiz ex Déségl.
Mentha augusta Opiz ex Déségl.
Mentha auneticensis Opiz
Mentha aurita Weihe ex Fresen.
Mentha avellinii Tod. ex Bertol.
Mentha avellinii Tod. ex Lojac.
Mentha brachiata Weihe ex Fresen.
Mentha bugulifolia Weihe ex Fresen.
Mentha calaminthifolia (Vis.) Heinr.Braun
Mentha capitata Opiz
Mentha cetica Heinr.Braun
Mentha chaixii Strail
Mentha cordata Jan ex Nyman
Mentha crenatodentata Strail
Mentha denticulata Strail
Mentha deseglisei Malinv. nom. illeg.
Mentha dubia Chaix ex Vill.
Mentha dunensis Strail
Mentha duriuscula Heinr.Braun & Topitz
Mentha duriuscula (Heinr.Braun & Topitz) Trautm.
Mentha elongata (Pérard) Heinr.Braun
Mentha eriantha K.Koch
Mentha glabra Colla nom. illeg.
Mentha glomerata Stokes
Mentha grandidentata Strail
Mentha hirsuta Huds.
Mentha hirta Caldas nom. illeg.
Mentha hybrida Aresch.
Mentha hygrophila Topitz
Mentha hystrix Heinr.Braun
Mentha incisoserrata Strail
Mentha intermedia Host nom. illeg.
Mentha × intricata Debeaux
Mentha lateovata Strail
Mentha latifolia Nolte ex Hornem. nom. illeg.
Mentha limicola Strail
Mentha limnetes (Topitz) Trautm.
Mentha limosa (Schur) Heinr.Braun
Mentha littoralis Strail
Mentha lloydii Boreau
Mentha lobeliana (Becker) Heinr.Braun
Mentha macrocephala Strail
Mentha macrophylla Waisb. ex Trautm. nom. illeg.
Mentha microcephala Strail
Mentha nederheimensis Strail
Mentha nepetifolia Lej.
Mentha nigrescens Weihe ex Fresen.
Mentha obliqua Raf.
Mentha obtuseserrata Opiz ex Malinv.
Mentha obtusifolia Opiz ex Déségl.
Mentha origanoides Ten.
Mentha origanoides Lej. ex Fingerh. nom. illeg.
Mentha ortmanniana Opiz
Mentha paludosa Sole
Mentha palustris Mill.
Mentha pedunculata (Pers.) Poir.
Mentha pireana Strail
Mentha polyanthetica (Topitz) Trautm.
Mentha probabilis Schur
Mentha purpurea Host
Mentha pyrifolia Heinr.Braun
Mentha pyrifolia A.Kern. nom. illeg.
Mentha ramosissima Strail
Mentha ranina Opiz
Mentha rauscheri Topitz
Mentha riparia Schreb.
Mentha riparia Lej. ex Malinv. nom. illeg.
Mentha rudaeana Opiz
Mentha sativa Sm. nom. illeg.
Mentha soleana Strail
Mentha stagnalis Topitz
Mentha stagnalis (Topitz) Trautm.
Mentha stolonifera Opiz
Mentha subspicata Weihe ex Fresen.
Mentha subthermalis Trautm.
Mentha tinantiana Lej. ex Malinv.
Mentha trojana Heinr.Braun
Mentha umbrosa Opiz
Mentha urticifolia Ten.
Mentha viennensis Opiz
Mentha weiheana Opiz
Mentha weissenburgensis F.W.Schultz ex Nyman nom. inval.
Mentha aquatica (water mint; syn. Mentha hirsuta Huds.) is a perennial flowering plant in the mint family Lamiaceae. It grows in moist places and is native to much of Europe, northwest Africa and southwest Asia.
Water mint is a herbaceous rhizomatous perennial plant growing to 90 centimetres (35 in) tall. The stems are square in cross section, green or purple, and variably hairy to almost hairless. The rhizomes are wide-spreading, fleshy, and bear fibrous roots. The leaves are ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 2 to 6 centimetres (0.79 to 2.36 in) long and 1 to 4 centimetres (0.39 to 1.57 in) broad, green (sometimes purplish), opposite, toothed, and vary from hairy to nearly hairless. The flowers of the watermint are tiny, densely crowded, purple, tubular, pinkish to lilac in colour and form a terminal hemispherical inflorescence; flowering is from mid to late summer. Water mint is visited by many types of insects, and can be characterized by a generalized pollination syndrome, but can also spread by underground rhizomes. All parts of the plant have a distinctly minty smell. A variety known as Mentha aquatica var. litoralis is native to areas of Sweden and Finland near the Baltic Sea. It is unbranched, hairless, with narrower leaves and paler flowers.
Water mint is native to much of Europe, northern Africa and western Asia. It has been introduced to North and South America, Australia and some Atlantic islands.
As the name suggests, water mint occurs in the shallow margins and channels of streams, rivers, pools, dikes, ditches, canals, wet meadows, marshes and fens. If the plant grows in the water itself, it rises above the surface of the water. It generally occurs on mildly acidic to calcareous (it is common on soft limestone) mineral or peaty soils.M. aquatica can occur in certain fen-meadow habitats such as the Juncus subnodulosus-Cirsium palustre plant association. It is a component of Purple moor grass and rush pastures - a type of Biodiversity ActPlan habitat in the UK.