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Meg Dale

Margaret Hart (maiden name Dale; previously, Harper; Andrews and Aleata), known as Meg, was the second major female character and the main villain in the former American soap opera Love of Life. She was first played by actress Jean McBride and when the character returned in the 1970s, she was played by Canadian actress Tudi Wiggins.

Margaret, better known as "Meg", was the younger sister of Vanessa Dale. Where Vanessa was compassionate and kind, Meg was anything but. She announced right after she left High School in their hometown of Barrowsville, New York, that she was marrying for money. She met and married a wealthy man named Charles Harper, and with him, gave birth to a son, Ben "Beanie" Harper. The Harpers moved to Manhattan. However, she was always cheating mercilessly on her husband, having affairs with wealthy and amoral men.

Her selfish nature wouldn't allow for her to love her son, so Vanessa, who had left Barrowsville to move to Manhattan, herself, mainly to keep an eye on Meg, took up the slack. She gave him the love that his mother denied him. Charles complained bitterly and often to his compassionate sister in-law about all of Meg's antics, and despite repeated pleas from her family, Meg was not about to be denied. She thrived on scandal and whatever scandal she made with her amoral, wealthy paramours, she unabashedly threw it in her family's face. Because of this, her parents were often confronting her on her misdeeds. Despite her villainous nature, deep down inside, she really did love her sister and her family; although her actions usually didn't imply that.

Finally fed up with her antics, Charles had left her. He called her the "Greatest known actress on any stage!" and he didn't mean it as a compliment. Soon after Charles divorced her, she was accused of murder. She was alleged to have murdered her gangster boyfriend, Miles Pardee, out on Long Island, but she was acquitted with the aid of lawyers, Evans Baker, and Paul Raven, who eventually married her sister, Van. Another paramour was a corrupt gambler named Hal Craig.

Then she met a man named Jack Andrews, whom she married some years after her divorce. Like all men that Meg was attracted to, he was devious. He stole her fortune, and left her a pauper. She didn't mourn him, though, for he was killed in a plane crash in Mexico, a crash that also had supposedly claimed the life of Paul Raven, Vanessa's husband. After foisting a paternity suit on lawyer Tom Craythorne and having it backfire on her, she took Ben and left New York for parts unknown.

