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Master Dji

George Lys Herard (May 30, 1961 – May 21, 1994), popularly known as Master Dji, was a Haitian rapper, and Hip-Hop artist. DJ of the group "Haiti Rap' N Ragga", Master Dji was the founder of Creole hip-hop.

Best known for his debut album "Master Dji", considered by many one of the greatest Creole Hip-Hop albums of all time. This album established Master Dji as one of Haiti ’s most profound lyricists, introducing his signature which is poetic.

Master Dji was also a radio host at Radio Métropole and Tropic FM. A pioneer in the Haitian Music Industry, he created a very subdued genre of music which was not previously thought of before. Due to his creation the New generation was able to form a connection between rara, rasin, kompa, rap and reggae. He pioneered a type of music that is a combination of all the music genres that most Young people listen to in Haiti. Master Dji knew how to get the attention of the young people, so throughout his music he would talk and also educate them.

Hip-Hop was not that Popular in Haiti , moreover, society had a bad perception of the music. However Master Dji managed to get his tracks played by certain radio stations. He was versatile; whether it was in English, French or Creole he always found a way to rip the mic. With all three languages he reached out to many different crowds. As a result, he was also known overseas. In fact, he's one of a few MCs to be played for more than twelve hours in radio stations in Africa.

"Tann pou tann" by Master Dji received the first prize from the annual African Haitian video awards which was held from April 27 to May 7, 1995, and organized by "Disques Hibiscus" with the participation of the televised music channel "MusiquePlus". The video was Directed by Master Dji himself and Jean-Pierre Grasset. The award jury and Ralph Boney decided to name the annual video award show after "Master Dji" in honor of the Haitian rapper, visionary, father of kreyol hip-hop, and pioneer of music videos in the Caribbean since 1985.

