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Martin Grötschel

Martin Grötschel (born 10 September 1948) is a German mathematician known for his research on combinatorial optimization, polyhedral combinatorics, and operations research. From 1991 to 2012 he was Vice President of the Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) and served from 2012 to 2015 as its President. Since October 2015 he has been President of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW).

Grötschel was born in Schwelm, Germany, and earned a diploma in 1973 from the University of Bochum. He completed a doctorate in 1977 from the University of Bonn under the supervision of Bernhard Korte, and earned his habilitation at Bonn in 1981. He was a professor at the University of Augsburg from 1982 to 1991, when he moved to ZIB. While he was associated with ZIB, he also held a professorship at the Technical University of Berlin, from which he retired in 2015.

Grötschel was one of the winners of the Fulkerson Prize of the American Mathematical Society in 1982 for his work with László Lovász and Alexander Schrijver on applications of the ellipsoid method to combinatorial optimization. In 2006 the same trio won the John von Neumann Theory Prize of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences.

