Mark Symington Geston (born June 20, 1946, Atlantic City, New Jersey) is an American science fiction author and fantasy author.
Mark Geston was born in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Both of his parents were teachers, his mother of English and Journalism as well as writing book reviews. He graduated from Abington High School. None of the stories he wrote while growing up in Philadelphia or in high school were published, but when he was 19 and in his second year of college he began writing Lords of the Starship, which was published in 1967. He graduated from Kenyon College in Ohio with a degree in history in 1968, received a law degree from New York University Law School in 1971 and had published three more novels by 1976.
Lords of the Starship takes place on Earth some 3000 years after the collapse of our technological civilization, narrating generations of history inspired by an immense starship construction project. Out of the Mouth of the Dragon take place in the same world as some in it continue to struggle with its decline and hopelessness. The Day Star further explores decay, time, and aspiration as a boy and a ghost seek a more glorious world. The Siege of Wonder describes the ending of a centuries-long war between magic and technology, in the experience of a man who has entered the magicians' domain as a spy.
He is a full-time attorney. His fifth novel, Mirror to the Sky is set in a near future world reacting emotionally and culturally to works of art brought to earth by aliens.