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Maquis du Limousin

The Maquis du Limousin was one of the largest Maquis groups of French resistance fighters.

The region of Limousin was an active area of resistance since 1940.

Edmond Michelet distributed tracts calling to continue the war in all Brive-la-Gaillarde's mailboxes on June 17, 1940. It is considered to be the first act of resistance of World War II in France. But the Limousin was South to the line of demarcation and the resistance was mainly a passive one against Vichy France. The Maquis du Limousin, the first one in France, was formed through the year 1942. The first act of sabotage was the dynamiting of a power plant near Ussel in June 1942. Marshal Philippe Pétain's visit in Corrèze in July was seen as a provocation by the population and strengthened popular support for the maquis.

The maquis increased fast with the reinforcement of many young men trying to escape the invasion by German troops in November 1942 and the STO in early 1943. Maquis operations changed from sabotages in 1943 to massive attacks against occupation troops in 1944. At its peak, the Limousine maquis is estimated to have reached between 8,000 and 12,000 fighters. However, it was troubled by continuing antagonisms between the Armée secrète and the Francs-Tireurs et Partisans concerning operational methods (particularly at Tulle and Guéret), how local powers should be distributed after the liberation, as well as the degree to which "cleansing" of collaborators from the political system should take place.

The Limousine population paid a heavy tribute to its resistance. Numerous maquisards were killed, executed, tortured or deported. Following the Normandy landings, the 2nd SS Division Das Reich, stationed in Montauban, was ordered to make its way across the country to stop the Allied advance. Along their way into Corrèze and Haute-Vienne, the Germans came under continuous attacks from the maquisards. In reprisal, they slaughtered hundreds of civilians in Tulle on June 9 and at Oradour-sur-Glane on June 10, 1944. Limousin and France were profoundly affected by these massacres.

