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Majorinus was the leader of a schismatic Christian sect in Roman North Africa known as the Donatists.

Very little is known of his early life, as Donatist writings were mostly destroyed in the following years. What we can garner of his life and beliefs is accessed through what his enemies said against him. He had been a reader or a lector in the church at Carthage, during the time that Caecilian, had been an archdeacon at Carthage and Mesurius was Bishop of Carthage. He seems to have also had some domestic office in the household of a Roman noblewoman Lucilla. In 311 he was chosen as Bishop of Carthage, by a council of 70 bishops in Cirta led by Secundus of Tigisis. Secundus of Tigisi was the primate of Numidia and as such was meant to be consulted prior to the appointment of Caecilian. This appointment was intended to depose the existing recently appointed bishop Caecilian. Caecilian had been the understudy of the recently deceased bishop Mensurius considered by many to be a traditor during the Diocletianic Persecution, though Mensurius denied the charges. Saying instead that he had hidden Christians and church property. The Council, however, held that Mensurius was traditor and that sacraments administered by Caecilian were thus invalid. The situation was further complicated by the fact tha Caecilian was consecrated by Felix of Aptunga another traditor. However rather than depose Caecilian, his appointment created a three-hundred-year-long schism in North African Christendom that would radically shape the intellectual life of Christianity.

