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Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level

Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level
Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest.JPG
Temple of Heaven, one from the first batch of Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese 全國重點文物保護單位
Literal meaning National Key Cultural Relic Protected Unit

A Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level (MHCSPNL) (Chinese: 全国重点文物保护单位) is one of 4,295 monuments listed as of significant historical, artistic or scientific value by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, which is the cultural relics administrative department of the State Council of China. Selected among Sites Protected at lower levels, Sites Protected at the National Level are lawfully the monuments with protection of the highest level in China. They are prohibited from being demolished. An approval by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage is obligated before a potential removal of such sites.

In 1999 it was reported that there were some 350,000 immovable cultural properties in China, of which 70,000 were protected at one of the three main levels, in addition to some 10,000,000 movable cultural properties held by state institutions alone. Of these, as of October 2013, 4,295 Sites Protected at the National Level have been designated by the State Administration. They were announced in 7 batches and several supplemental batches:

Sites (to Be) Protected for Their Historical and Cultural Value or Historical and Cultural Sites Protected (文物保护单位) at various levels include:

