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Maciej Boryna

Maciej Boryna
Maciej Boryna bada zakamarki kościoła Wniebowzięcia N.M.P. w Szprotawie.jpg
Maciej Boryna – 2005
Born (1974-03-28) 28 March 1974 (age 43)
Szprotawa, Poland
Occupation Journalist, writer, researcher

by Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage,

Medal of Honored for Commune Szprotawa
Website www.maciejboryna.dbv.pl

by Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage,

Maciej Boryna (born 28 March 1974 in Szprotawa/Sprottau) is Polish journalist and scientific researcher, author of many books of Silesian history, founder and director of Regional History Museum F.Matuszkiewicz's in Szprotawa, co-founder and first president of Lower Silesian Forest Institute, state keeper of monuments and nature, alderman in Szprotawa (2006–2010), member in Żagański-District board of directors (since 2010).

Director of researching program "Silesian Walls" and "Chrobry fortified village in Szprotawa", designer of forest preserve "Slavic Park". Awarded by Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage (2008), medal of Honored for Commune Szprotawa (2002).

