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M postcode area

Manchester postcode area
M is located in the United Kingdom
Postcode area M
Postcode area name Manchester
Post towns 3
Postcode districts 48
Postcode sectors 302
Postcodes (live) 31,670
Postcodes (total) 56,617
Statistics as at February 2012

Postcode district boundaries: Bing / Google

The M postcode area, also known as the Manchester postcode area, is a group of several postcode districts in Greater Manchester, England.

The Manchester Post Town includes parts of all boroughs in Greater Manchester. The area is divided into ten post towns: Manchester, Salford, Sale, Oldham, Tameside, , Rochdale, Bury, Wigan and Bolton. The Manchester and Salford post towns form most of the area, and the other eight post towns are enclaves within it.

The entirety of the metropolitan district of the City of Manchester itself is included within the area, except for Ringway, which is in WA15. The postcode area includes nearly all of the City of Salford, most of the borough of Trafford, and small parts of the wider Greater Manchester area historically closest to the city of Manchester.

