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Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) is an American nonprofit professional organization for the support, growth, and development of music-teaching professionals, with some 22,000 members in 50 states, and over 500 local affiliates. MTNA offers a wide range of member resources, from leadership, teaching and personal health support, to insurance, financial and legal services. It also comprises two subsidiaries, the MTNA Professional Certification Program, and the MTNA Foundation Fund, which supports a variety of programs that include music competitions and commissioning of composers. MTNA was founded in 1876, and is registered as a 501(c)(3) organization in Ohio, with headquarters located in Cincinnati.

Music Teachers National Association is an American organization founded in 1876 by Theodore Presser, who was both a musician and publisher. MTNA is credited in helping to establish an international pitch scale in 1883 as well as promoting international copyright law and giving official recognition to the American composer. In 1967, MTNA approved the program for qualified teachers. MTNA is also known for commissioning compositions by American composers and presenting the annual Distinguished Composer of the Year Award. The association also hold annual competitions for young musicians at the local, state, and national level. Currently, the organization had approximately 22,000 members, including teachers, performers, and composers, and more that 500 local affiliates. The official journal of the MTNA, American Music Teacher, was first published in 1951.

MTNA's purpose is to advance the benefit of studying music and music making to society and to support the professionalism of music teachers. MTNA maintains two subsidiary programs: MTNA Professional Certification Program and the MTNA Foundation Fund. The Professional Certification Program exists to improve the quality of professionalism in applied music teaching and assists the public in identifying proficient music teachers in their communities. The MTNA Foundation Fund supports programs that financially assist teachers and students with educational objectives while supplying an opportunity for individual and corporate support of MTNA and its programs.

As an association of music teachers, MTNA's mission is to elevate the professional level and develop the standing of all its members. MTNA is responsible for disseminating many publications, including books, journals, and pamphlets that have greatly impacted the profession of teaching music. MTNA also perpetually seeks newly published music and other teaching materials to raise awareness among its members.

