Luigi Garzi (Pistoia, 1638–Rome, 1721) was an Italian painter of the Baroque period, whose work displayed heavy influences of the Bolognese painter, Guido Reni. Born in Pistoia. He initially was a of with a poorly known landscape painter, Salomon Boccali. But at age 15, he moved to Rome, where he was one of the main pupils of Andrea Sacchi. He is also often referred to as Ludovico Garzi. In 1680 Garzi was appointed Regent of the Congregazione dei Virtuosi al Pantheon, the papal honor society of painters. Garzi joined Rome's guild of painters, Accademia di San Luca in 1670 and became a director in 1682.
He painted a Triumph of St Catherine & saints for the church of Santa Caterina a Magnanapoli in Rome. He painted a St. Silvestro shows Constantine portraits of Saints Peter and Paul for Santa Croce in Gerusalemme. In the early 1680s he contributed to the frescoes on the vault of San Carlo al Corso, where his works included an Allegory of Faith. He also completed a fresco depicting the Glory of the Eternal Father (1686) for the dome of the Cybo Chapel in the church of Santa Maria del Popolo. He was one of the painters who contributed to the series of mythologic paintings to the Palazzo Buonaccorsi in Macerata with a Venus in the Forge of Vulcan. He also painted for San Silvestro in Capite, Santa Caterina a Magnanapoli, and Chiesa delle Santissima Stimmate di San Francesco. He contributed a canvas to the Cagli Cathedral.