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In the Dungeons and Dragons fantasy role-playing game, the Losel is an orc-baboon crossbreed. Though roughly humanoid, they are little more than tool-using animals in many respects. Their name means "lost ones."

Losels first appeared in print in the novel Artifact of Evil by Gary Gygax (1986). They were first given game statistics in From the Ashes (1992), and were briefly summarized under the "mammal" entry in the Monstrous Manual (1994).

Losels somewhat resemble hairy, ape-like Half-orcs. Their culture and society is similar in many aspects to that of primitive humans such as neanderthals. For the most part, Losels are primitive hunter-gatherers who have little interest in anything but their own survival and stay away from all other races. If a family group is threatened, however, they can be highly aggressive, tossing stones and spears while moving in to pummel with their long, muscular arms. Losels are most common in the plane of Arborea.

Losels communicate in a series of grunts, snorts, brays, and woops.

They are neutral in alignment.

Losels live to be around 20–25 years old. Females remain pregnant for around 6 months, giving birth to litters of 2-5 offspring. Infant mortality is very high, with typically only one losel in a litter surviving to maturity, which they reach at the age of 3.

Males typically hunt small mammals and similar prey, while females gather fruits, nuts, and tubers while guarding the young.

Losels have a fierce hatred of beastmen, attacking them whenever possible. They also hate sylvan elves, who are always trying to exterminate or drive them from their woods. Losels are hunted and eaten by kech.

A group of losels serving orcs may mix with their cousins or range outside their lair. Rogue males cast outside of a losel band sometimes take over a band of baboons.

