The Revolution at Sea Saga is a series of five novels written by James L. Nelson, published from 1997 to 2001.. It encompasses the year 1775 through 1777 during the American Revolution, and focuses on the adventures of smuggler, revolutionary, captain, but most of all sailor Isaac Biddlecomb.
In By Force of Arms, Captain Isaac Biddlecomb's smuggling ship, the Judea, is destroyed by British soldiers, which results eventually in his and his friend Ezra Rumstick's impressment aboard an English man-o-war, HMS Icarus, commanded by the irresponsible and arrogant Lieutenant James Pendexter. Isaac and his friends lead the revolt against the oppressive boatswain and captain of the Icarus.
In The Maddest Idea, Isaac and Rumstick are fitted out with a brand-new, all-American man-o-war: the USS Charlemagne. They're on a mission from George Washington himself to capture a cache of British gunpowder from Bermudian waters. Also a traitor is buried somewhere deep in the American government, who is intent on destroying Isaac Biddlecomb.