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Lo Zingaro

Antonio Solario (active perhaps 1502–1518), also known as Lo Zingaro (The Gypsy) was an Italian painter of the Venetian school, who worked in Naples, the Marche and possibly England.

His career is obscure, largely pieced together from surviving works, and at one time his existence was doubted. He is often referred to also as Antonio de Solario or Antonio da Solario,

He was possibly born and probably trained in Venice, and signed the Withypool Altarpiece "Antonius Desolario, Venetus 1514"; this includes a donor portrait and the heraldry of the London merchant Paul Withypool. This work and other references to works in England by John Leland a few decades later are the evidence for his putative English visit. The altarpiece is in the Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery who own the main panel; the wings have been loaned by the National Gallery, who also have a Virgin and Child. There is a similar but smaller panel of the Madonna and Child with a Donor in the National Museum of Capodimonte at Naples. All include charming small landscapes seen through windows in a wall behind the figures.

He is first recorded at Fermo in 1502, and last (rather questionably) in Montecassino in 1518; if this last is excluded his last known date is 1514. In Naples, his main work were twenty large frescoes illustrating the Life of St Benedict in the cloister of the monastery of Santi Severino e Sossio (now the State Archives), which are open to the elements though covered and are now greatly decayed; they present a vast variety of figures and details, with dexterous modeling and coloring. These were painted in the first years of the century. Sometimes Solario's color is crude, and he generally shows weakness of draughtsmanship in hands and feet. His tendency is that of a naturalist the heads lifelike and individual, and the landscape backgrounds better invented and cared for than in any contemporary.

