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Little German Corner

The Deutsches Eck ("German Corner") is the name given to the shortest and most convenient road and railway link between the Austrian metropolitan region of Salzburg and the Tyrolean Unterland with the state capital Innsbruck.

Due to the mountainous landscape and the irregular course of the border, the main transport routes to the western Austrian states of Tyrol and Vorarlberg pass through the territory of the German state of Bavaria. While an alternative, albeit longer, all-Austrian Salzburg-Tyrol Railway exists, there is no continuous, intra-Austrian motorway route between the states of Salzburg and Tyrol.

A larger railway and autobahn (motorway) link runs from Salzburg westwards along the northern rim of the Chiemgau Alps to the Bavarian town of Rosenheim, then turns south through the Inn valley to reach the Tyrolean border at Kufstein.

Since the conclusion of an 1851 treaty between the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Bavaria, so-called "corridor-trains" of the Austrian Railways (ÖBB) use the Rosenheim–Salzburg and Rosenheim–Kufstein railway lines maintained by the German Deutsche Bahn company against payment of a regular fee. At the Rosenheim rail junction a direct connection (the Rosenheimer Kurve) was erected in 1982 to allow express trains pass quickly without a stop at Rosenheim station.

