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List of rulers of Pegu

This is a list of rulers of Pegu (Bago), one of the three main Mon-speaking provinces, located on the south-central coast of modern Myanmar. This is not a list of monarchs of the Hanthawaddy Kingdom, who ruled Lower Burma from Pegu during three separate periods (1369–1539, 1550–1552, 1740–1757).

Although various Burmese chronicles state that Pegu had existed as early as the 6th century CE, the earliest extant evidence of Pegu as a place dates only to 1266 (a late Pagan period inscription in Old Burmese). According to the chronicle Slapat Rajawan, Pegu emerged from "desolate wilderness" only in the late Pagan period, and the first Pagan-appointed official at Pegu was Akhamaman in 1273/74. Furthermore, Pegu was not even a provincial capital in the late Pagan period; the title belonged to Dala-Twante, which was the seat of Prince Kyawswa down to the 1280s.

It is unclear if Pegu remained the provincial capital after Tarabya's death. According to the reporting in the Razadarit Ayedawbon, except for a brief period in the mid-1320s when King Saw Zein made it his temporary wartime capital, the other so-called governors of Pegu may have been just mayors. For example, in the early reign of King Hkun Law, the provincial capital seems to have been at Sittaung, where Law's deputy Nyi Maw-La-Mun resided.

