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Slapat Rajawan

Slapat Rajawan
Author Sayadaw Athwa
Original title သုပတ် ရာဇာဝင် ဒတောဝ် သ္ငီ ရောင်
Translator P.W. Schmidt (to German)
R. Halliday (to English)
Country Kingdom of Burma
Language Mon
Series Burmese chronicles
Genre Chronicle, History
Publication date
14 December 1766
Published in English
Media type print

Slapat Rajawan Datow Smim Ron (Mon: သုပတ် ရာဇာဝင် ဒတောဝ် သ္ငီ ရောင်; lit. "History of Kings"), more commonly known as Bago Yazawin, is a Mon language chronicle that covers 17 dynasties from the legendary times to the Hanthawaddy period. Written by an ethnic Mon monk, the chronicle was a religion/legend-centric chronicle although it does cover secular history from Sri Ksetra and Pagan to Hanthawaddy periods. Like the Hmannan Yazawin chronicle of the same period, Slatpat too linked its kings to the Buddha and Buddhist mythology. It was translated into German by P.W. Schmidt in 1906, and into English by R. Halliday in the Journal of the Burma Research Society in 1923. Schmidt's 1906 publication contains a reprint of a Mon language manuscript of the chronicle.

Though the chronicle was written in 1766, it apparently has at least two versions with uncertain provenance. The provenance of the version used by Schmidt and Halliday traces not to Lower Burma but to Siam.

