This article contains information about fictional alien races in the Farscape universe.
The Physical, Racial and Species specific-Cultural characteristics, as well as underlying mythological/sociological similarities' and differences of the Alien Races (Non-Terrestrials from our viewpoint as non-fictional observers of their "reality") portrayed in the Farscape Universe were conceptualised and created by the Jim Henson's Creature Shop.
Races in the fictional Farscape universe use translator microbes to understand each other's speech. According to the series, they "colonize at the base of the brain" and allow one to understand alien speech. The series shows them injected by Moya's DRDs into the ankle of the person who needs to understand alien languages, and the microbes take effect within moments. According to Rygel XVI, most individuals are injected with the microbes at birth. As far as established, the Kalish (or possibly only "bioloid" duplicates thereof) are the only race who cannot tolerate translator microbes.
The Ancients are a technologically and physically advanced alien species with the ability and knowledge to harness wormhole-based technology. They are the most advanced race in Farscape. They originally existed in another realm until it was bridged to the Farscape universe by wormholes. When they became aware of the various species in the other realm and many of those species' aggressive tendencies, they modified several members of their own species to live and exist in the other universe. These individuals became the Ancients. Yet after many years, the original planet of the Ancients began to die and they needed to search for a suitable location, and they discovered Earth through an elaborate simulation in human John Crichton, who gains wormhole knowledge in the process. A major part of Farscape is the risk of this wormhole knowledge getting in the hands of the Scarran. The Ancients are featured in the episodes "A Human Reaction", "The Hidden Memory", "Infinite Possibilities", "Unrealized Reality", and in Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars.