The present Indian state of Maharashtra came into existence on 1 May 1960. The number of constituencies of the first Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha, the lower house of the Maharashtra state legislature in 1960 was 264. 33 constituencies were reserved for the candidates belonging to the Scheduled castes and 14 were reserved for the candidates belonging to the Scheduled tribes. The number of constituencies of the third Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha (1967–72) was raised to 270, out of which 15 constituencies were reserved for the candidates belonging to the Scheduled castes and 16 were reserved for the candidates belonging to the Scheduled tribes.
Following is the list of the constituencies of the Maharashtra Vidhan Sabha since the delimitation of legislative assembly constituencies in 2008. At present, 29 constituencies are reserved for the candidates belonging to the Scheduled castes and 25 are reserved for the candidates belonging to the Scheduled tribes: